Face Coverings - British Gymnastics

Face Coverings

Last Updated: Wednesday 19th July - England & Northern Ireland

Masks and face coverings are an important measure to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 and save lives. The use of masks alone are not sufficient in providing adequate levels of protection against Covid-19 and should be used alongside other guidelines such as social distancing, keeping gyms well ventilated, avoiding gathering in large numbers, regularly washing hands and coughing/sneezing into a bent elbow or tissue.

In the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, a face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth. Face coverings can be reusable or single use.

Face coverings are largely intended to protect others, not the wearer, against the spread of infection because they cover the nose and mouth, which are the main confirmed sources of transmission of the virus that causes coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

The links below provide information regarding the use of masks/face coverings within the gymnastics environment for gymnasts, coaches, staff, volunteers, adults assisting in sessions and spectators across the different home countries.

Please be mindful and respectful, noting that some people are less able to wear face coverings, and that the reasons for this may not be visible to others.

The information below is correct as of 24/5/21 (Northern Ireland) & 19/7/21 (England). Please refer to and keep up-to-date on the latest government advice.  


               Northern Ireland


