Club Judge (2022-2024) TeamGym – Tumble and Trampet

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Club Judge (2022-2024) TeamGym – Tumble and Trampet

Club Judge (2022-2024) TeamGym – Tumble and Trampet

Welcome to the 2022-2024 TeamGym Club Judge course for Tumble and Trampet. On this page you should find all the information you need to help you decide whether this course is right for you.

To complete your Club Judge award this cycle, there are two self-paced eLearning courses available:

Tumble and Trampet and Floor

There is no expectation to complete both courses, you can choose to do one or both in any order.

This course is Tumble and Trampet, which is a great place to start and once completed will allow you up to judge Micro TeamGym events and Tumble and Trampet at club level.

Find more detail in the sections below, make sure you explore all the areas. Once you have decided this course is right for you, click ’Enrol’. Your course material will be available on BG Academy once you have enrolled on the course.

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Course Outline
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Who is this Aimed at:

Anyone wishing to start judging TeamGym. This course focuses on the Tumble and Trampet components of TeamGym.

What To Expect:

A combination of eLearning, videos and knowledge checks to introduce you to the rules, regulations and principals of judging TeamGym Tumble and Trampet. You will work through the course material that highlights key information and provide the knowledge required to identify errors, apply appropriate deductions and calculate your score effectively.

In addition, there is an online assessment which you must pass to gain this award.

Delivery Method:

Online eLearning.


Approximately 3 hours to complete the eLearning, plus 2x 30 minute assessments.

What Resources Are Included:

You will be able to download the presentation slide notes to assist your completion of the online learning and use for reference.

How Will I Be Assessed:

You will be assessed by completing the following:

Theory Assessment
-20 multiple choice questions

Practical Assessment
- 8 rounds consisting of:
- 2 x Trampet
- 2 x Trampet with vault
- 2 x Tumble (Forward)
- 2 x Tumble (Backward/Mixed)

Pass mark 60% in both components

NB To be eligible to progress to Regional Judge TeamGym, you will need to have completed both the Tumble and Trampet course and the Floor course.



Pre Requisites:

You must be at least 14 years old.

You will be assessed by completing the following:

Theory Assessment
-20 multiple choice questions

Practical Assessment
- 8 rounds consisting of:
- 2 x Trampet
- 2 x Trampet with vault
- 2 x Tumble (Forward)
- 2 x Tumble (Backward/Mixed)

Pass mark 60% in both components

Both Assessments need to be passed to gain this award. You can retake the assessments as many times as you need if you are unsuccessful.

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Available Now
You can fill in the course interest form. This form will be used to inform our regional and national course organisers, your interest will be noted and you will be emailed when a course is available.

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