Scotland Face Coverings - British Gymnastics

Masks and face coverings are an important measure to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 and save lives. The links below provide information regarding the use of masks/face coverings within the gymnastics environment for gymnasts, coaches, staff, volunteers, adults assisting in sessions and spectators. It is important to wear a mask/face covering where required unless exempt. Please be mindful and respectful of such circumstances, noting that some people are less able to wear face coverings, and that the reasons for this may not be visible to others. 
The information below is correct as of 4/11/20 and will be updated as necessary in line with government guidelines. 
As a gymnast?
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

Whilst in the facility

During gymnastics activity

The use of masks/face coverings is not recommended during sports activities. All forms of face coverings may restrict breathing efficiency and should not be used during exercise except on specific advice from a physician.  

Gymnasts, aged 5 years and over, must wear masks/face coverings whilst not on apparatus, between time on apparatus, but masks should not be worn whilst on equipment or performing any form of gymnastics elements, including warm-ups/cool downs. 

Gymnasts, aged 5 years and over, should wear a face covering, if indoors, before and after activity or when in non-playing areas of the facility e.g. corridors, reception, unless exemptions apply (See Further Information). 

Whilst coaching or assisting with a session?
This includes:
• Coaches
• Adults in pre-school sessions
• Helpers/Assistants
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

It is mandatory for masks to be worn by coaches during activity unless exempt (See Further Information). 

For those assisting within a session, it is also compulsory to wear a mask/face covering unless exempt. 

As a member of staff/volunteer?
For example, Non-Coaches roles e.g 
• Administrator
• Welfare Officers
• Receptionists
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

In communal areas

In workplaces, staff and volunteers are legally obliged to wear a face covering in communal areas indoors unless exempt. This includes, where people mingle or gather to, for example, socialise or transit such as passageways, stairs, lifts, staff rooms, training rooms, changing rooms and entrances. 

Some people are not required to wear a face covering. This includes, owners, managers, members of staff, or volunteers, of indoor premises where it is mandatory to wear a face covering who are physically separated, by means of, for example, partition screens, from customers or if they maintain a 2 metre distance from customers or members of the public 

Where 2 metres cannot be maintained or there is not a partition, the onus to wear a face covering in indoor communal areas in a workplace is on the individual. 

This includes Parents, carers & other members of family watching, picking up/dropping off for a session
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

It is mandatory for spectators to wear a mask/face covering in indoor fitness studios, gyms, swimming pools or other indoor leisure centres unless exempt (see further information). 

Further Information

A face covering must be worn by all people in the settings listed below, except where an exemption applies: 
Indoor gyms, fitness studios and indoor leisure centres. 

A face covering must be worn before entering the above settings and must be kept on until leaving unless an exemption applies. 

If there is a need to temporarily remove a face covering, at all times possible, 2 metres distance must be maintained. 

Those exempt under the guidance and regulations do not have to prove their exemption and should not be made to wear a face covering or denied access to places where face coverings are required. The government ask for people to be aware of the exemptions and to treat each other with kindness. 

Where face coverings are required, people responsible for relevant premises should take reasonable steps to promote compliance with the law. 

For up-to-date information regarding exemptions – 

