Safeguarding and Compliance - British Gymnastics

Safeguarding and Compliance

The tabs below outline the current position in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales with regard to Covid 19/Coronavirus and the current regulations for gymnastics.  It outlines the rules/guidance for indoor and outdoor activity, education/courses, events/competitions and performance/elite programmes based on the appropriate home country government guidance and the relevant governing body.

Latest Update
This guidance was last updated for England, indoor and outdoor activity on 18th May 2021.

Northern Ireland

Outdoor Activity

(Appropriately risk assessed and safeguarding in place)

From 17th May, Outdoor gymnastics sessions are permitted, with no limit on group sizes (exceptions apply for parent and child groups and Team Sport) as long as it’s undertaken in line with Covid-secure guidance.

Parent and child groups can take place outdoors with a limit of 30 attendees. Children under five years of age don't count towards the attendee limit. If following the Team Sport Framework the group sizes included within the guidance must still be adhered to.

Multiple groups may train at the same time if groups remain separate and no mixing or joining of groups takes place.

Activities are limited to British Gymnastics endorsed programmes. Activity should not include the development of new skills.

All skills must be performed individually with social distancing in place, unless following the Team Sport Framework or gymnasts are from the same household or support bubble.

The Return to Coach Contact Framework is not allowed outdoors. No contact is permitted between coach and gymnast (unless in an emergency).

Outdoor sessions require the use of sufficient matting, all outdoor skills must take place on a safely matted surface. Approved hand apparatus can be used throughout the session if it is not shared. Large equipment such as bars, trampettes, mushrooms and beams must not be used.

Spectators are permitted in groups of up to 30 and must adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times.

Indoor Activity

From 17th May indoor gymnastics will be able to take place for all including adult groups, and free roam parent and child sessions.

There is no limit on group sizes (exceptions apply for parent and child groups and Team Sport) if the venue’s capacity is not exceeded.

Parent and child groups can take place indoors with a limit of 30 attendees. Children under five years of age don't count towards the attendee limit. If following the Team Sport Framework the group sizes included within the guidance must still be adhered to.

Social distancing must be maintained unless following the Team Sport and/or Return to Coach Contact Frameworks.

Spectators are permitted indoors in groups of six people or two households and must adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times.


All face-to-face education courses and assessments have been postponed until further notice, reviewed on-going inline with government guidelines.

TTL, Level 3 theory courses and CPD available online.

UKCC L1 online course pilots for some disciplines underway with a wider online course programme to follow.

Pilots for L1 & L2 (all disciplines) virtual assessments from June.


Cancelled until further notice.

Discipline specific event information can be found here.


Eligible elite athletes allowed to resume training at indoor facilities with British Gymnastics sign off.

Outdoor Activity

(Appropriately risk assessed and safeguarding in place)

From 24th May, a full return to outdoor training is permitted with the removal of the limit of 15 participants per group. Social distancing must continue to be maintained except in instances where pair or group (team sport) or coach contact activities are taking place, in line with our frameworks. More information on this is available in the below section (Indoor Activity).

Activities are limited to British Gymnastics endorsed programmes.

Outdoor sessions require the use of sufficient matting, all outdoor skills must take place on a safely matted surface. Approved hand apparatus can be used throughout the session if it is not shared. Large equipment such as bars, trampettes, mushrooms and beams must not be used.

No spectators are permitted. Where possible gymnasts should be dropped off and picked up or parents/carers should remain in cars.  Car sharing is not advised and larger congregations or gatherings in areas such as car parks are not permitted.

Indoor Activity

From 24th May, indoor group exercise and training can recommence in numbers limited to suit the venue. The maximum occupancy of each indoor facility should be limited to providing a minimum of 100 sq. ft per person.

Social distancing must continue to be maintained except in instances where pair or group (team sport) or coach contact activities are taking place, in line with our frameworks.

Clubs that wish to deliver the identified pair and group activities will need to adhere to our Team Sport Framework. The Framework outlines additional control measures to put in place to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19.

Clubs and coaches/ instructors will be able to introduce our Return to Coach Contact Framework. This will mean that coaches can carry out coach contact and manually support gymnasts in sessions, in line with our guidance.


All face-to-face education courses and assessments have been postponed until further notice, reviewed on-going inline with government guidelines.

TTL, Level 3 theory courses and CPD available online.

UKCC L1 online course pilots for some disciplines underway with a wider online course programme to follow.

Pilots for L1 & L2 (all disciplines) virtual assessments from June.


The NI Executive have announced an indicative date for a return to indoor competitive sport as 31st May.

We’re really looking forward to seeing gymnasts taking part in competitions again soon. We’re currently in the final stages of developing our Return to Events guidance and hope to release this to the gymnastics community shortly.


Eligible elite athletes allowed to resume training at indoor facilities with British Gymnastics sign off.

Outdoor Activity

(Appropriately risk assessed and safeguarding in place)

OUTDOOR organised activity & sport Age 11 and under: Maximum 30 people including coaches. Over 12s & adults: Maximum 15 people including coaches

OUTDOOR Age 11 and under: Contact between gymnasts allowed. Over 12s & adults: Non-contact only

Only permitted activity

Scottish Gymnastics Skill Awards – adapted for home version


Jump into Gymnastics


Activities centred around fitness, conditioning, and flexibility

Low level dance, ballet and choreography

Indoor Activity

Gym facilities closed. No indoor activity permitted.


Currently unavailable. Please contact for more information

Online CPD can be accessed through


Currently unavailable. Please contact for more information



Outdoor Activity

(Appropriately risk assessed and safeguarding in place)

Welsh Government states there is no limit to the total number of children that can attend organised activity. To mitigate transmission, groups within the activity should not exceed 15 and we ask organisers to be mindful of the space available and the number of groups that are able to fit in the space whilst social distancing. Coaches should not exceed the ratios within the WG/BG Gymnast to Coach Ratio document

Children and young people aged 18 (or persons who were aged under 18 on 31st August 2020) can take part.

Adults, including volunteers and qualified professionals may attend these activities where they are involved in running them.

Adults including parents should always maintain social distancing. Wherever possible efforts should be made to socially distance everyone and coaches and gymnasts should remain with the same group to reduce the risk of transmission.

While it is not mandatory for face coverings to be worn outside, organisers should consider whether or not they should be used in spaces where it is difficult to maintain social distancing. Face coverings are not recommended to be worn during sporting activities, games etc. where physical exertion is likely.

Indoor Activity

Outdoor sport is not permitted, other than at elite level. All sports facilities including gymnastics clubs must close.


Face-to-face courses suspended until further notice.

Some courses and CPD online


Events suspended until further notice.

Please see our website for more details about events which may have been postponed to another date


Elite athletes allowed to resume training at indoor facilities with Welsh Gymnastics and Sport Wales sign off.

British Gymnastics is committed to the use of criminal record checks as a key element of safe recruitment.  The use of criminal record checks is only one part of safe recruitment practice and should always be used in conjunction with the safe recruitment procedures set out in the BG Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy. It is also a requirement for the criminal record check to be updated every 3 years.

Criminal Records Check Policy

Criminal Records checks FAQ Section

DBS Eligibility

Safeguarding children - safe recruitment policy

DBS website

Access NI website


Confidential Helpline - 0800 800 5000 - 0808 800 5000


NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit - Keeping Children Safe in Sport



Contact 0800 1111 click here for Childline website
Childline advice for adults 0800 500 100 click for Childline website


Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP)

The Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) team is made up of police officers that observe social networking sites to ensure you are safe whilst on the internet. If you have or have ever had a concern regarding someone on the internet or their behaviour towards you, you can make a report to CEOP by clicking here.

British Gymnastics Commitment to Safeguarding

We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children, young persons and adults in our sport and our aim is to ensure all who participate in gymnastics have a safe, fun, positive experience and are able to fulfil their potential.
In order to help ensure a safe environment, British Gymnastics provides information and training opportunities to enable those working with children in gymnastics to respond appropriately if they are worried a child may be at risk or suffering abuse.

What to do if you have a concern

If an incident or concern is immediate and you think a child is in immediate danger of abuse or at risk of significant harm or are in need of protection, then call the Police on 999 and/or your local Social Services.

If the matter is not immediate, please speak to the person on site responsible for welfare or contact a member of our Safeguarding and Compliance Team by calling 0345 1297129.

In either circumstance, please also complete the Child Protection Incident form. This form should be used to record the details of any concern they wish to report. A copy should be sent to the British Gymnastics Safeguarding and Compliance team at 

British Gymnastics will then be able to provide an appropriate response and effect liaison with all relevant agencies and persons concerned. All efforts will be made to keep the information confidential.  The information will only be shared with those that need to know in the best interests of the child, young person or vulnerable adult.  The form should be completed for all types of concern, even where no immediate action may be necessary.

How will Safeguarding and Child Protection affect me as a coach/volunteer?

The British Gymnastics Safeguarding and Protecting Policy provides a framework for all those involved in gymnastics to meet their duty of care towards young people and is mandatory for all BG members  (except where there are home country variations arising from legislative differences). Any individual or organisation that is providing a service to BG must also demonstrate that they comply with these standards. As part of our commitment to best practice in the care of children, BG expects all of its members to comply with the policy.

BG requires all coaches and relevant volunteers who are aged 16 and above who work or volunteer with children or protected adults to complete BG recognised Safeguarding training and a criminal record check (Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks in England and Wales and Access NI checks in Northern Ireland). It is also a requirement for these to be updated every 3 years to ensure it is consistent with the changes in law and legislation.

British Gymnastics works closely with the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) and has met the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels of the NSPCC CPSU Standards for Safeguarding Children in Sport.

Safeguarding Requirements

Working alongside our clubs, welfare officers and statutory agencies, we ensure that safeguarding is prioritised and our members and registered clubs meet specific requirements to safeguard and protect. A critical element of this is the designation of an individual who is responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young persons and adults at risk within clubs. All British Gymnastics registered clubs, regions and gymnastics events are required to have a nominated Welfare Officer to be responsible for:
• Responding to child protection and poor practice concerns.
• Providing support and advice in the implementation of procedures that safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk.
• Assist the club to be more focused in its activities e.g. involving children, young people and adults at risk in decision making processes.

Any member of our organisation working with children, young persons or adults at risk, who meets the eligibility criteria is required to complete a criminal record check and British Gymnastics recognised Safeguarding training.

Criminal Record Checks

Criminal record checks enable British Gymnastics to assess the on-going suitability of an individual in certain roles or voluntary work, including working with children or protected adults. It is a requirement for the criminal record check to be updated every 3 years. To access our policies and guidance please click Criminal Records Checks (DBS)

Safeguarding Training

To enhance national Safeguarding training, British Gymnastics provides a sport-specific online Safeguarding Refresher course and an online Foundation Safeguarding training course designed for 16-17 year olds who frequently volunteer or work in gymnastics.  In addition we also provide a Time to Listen course for Welfare Officers.  To access our courses please click here.

Safeguarding Policies and Documentation

For more information or support on Safeguarding please view our Safeguarding and Compliance Policies

Additional Support

If you wish to discusss any concerns you may have regarding safeguarding and protecting children, you can contact your local club welfare officer for advice and support. Alternatively, you can contact a County or Regional Welfare Officer or National Governing Body (British Gymnastics, Welsh Gymnastics, Scottish Gymnastics) Safeguarding Contacts

Support Agencies
