England Face Coverings - British Gymnastics

England Face Coverings

Last Updated: Wednesday 19th July at 2.45pm

UPDATED: 28/7/21 – updated information regarding Step 4 of the Government’s roadmap.  

Masks and face coverings are an important measure to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 and save lives. The links below provide information regarding the use of masks/face coverings within the gymnastics environment for gymnasts, coaches, staff, volunteers, adults assisting in sessions and spectators. It is important to wear a mask/face covering where required unless exempt. Please be mindful and respectful of such circumstances, noting that some people are less able to wear face coverings, and that the reasons for this may not be visible to others. 

The information below is correct as of 19/7/21. Please refer to and keep up-to-date on the latest government advice.  

As a gymnast?
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

The use of masks/face coverings is not recommended during sports activities. All forms of face coverings may restrict breathing efficiency and should not be used during exercise except on specific advice from a physician.  

Gymnasts can wear masks whilst not on apparatus, between time in apparatus, if they so wish, but masks should not be worn whilst on equipment or performing any form of gymnastics elements, including warm-ups/cool downs. 

Whilst coaching or assisting with a session?
This includes:
• Coaches
• Adults in pre-school sessions
• Helpers/Assistants
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

Assistants and coaches whilst
spotting/ supporting 


From 19 July 2021, there is no longer a legal requirement to wear a mask/face covering in indoor settings, however the government is expecting and recommending individuals continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, and where they come into contact with people they don’t usually meet. In particular, where the risk of transmission is likely to be greater.

As part of their COVID-19 risk assessment, British Gymnastics encourages clubs and gymnastics providers to consider the use of masks/face coverings in enclosed and crowded spaces, and areas that are poorly ventilated as well as for coach contact activities.

It is important to consider that others may wish to take a more cautious approach. We should all be considerate of this, and provide the opportunity and space for others to feel safe.

For those assisting within a session, it is not compulsory to wear a mask/face covering, however, you may want to review your risk assessments based on the layout and individual circumstances of your club, and potentially encourage over 11s involved in a session to wear a face covering.

As a member of staff/volunteer?
For example, Non-Coaches roles e.g 
• Administrator
• Welfare Officers
• Receptionists
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

In enclosed / crowded areas

Gyms must complete a risk assessment, and take reasonable steps to manage risks to the health and safety of their workforce and customers in their workplace or setting, including the risks of COVID-19.

Gyms can require or encourage their workforce to wear a mask/face covering. Where you require your staff/volunteers to wear face coverings there are some circumstances where people may not be able to wear one. You should be mindful and respectful of these.

If your workers (including contractors) or customers choose to wear a face covering, you should support them in using face coverings safely.

You should assess the use of face coverings on a case by case basis depending on the workplace environment, other appropriate mitigations in place, and whether reasonable exemptions apply.

This includes Parents, carers & other members of family watching, picking up/dropping off for a session
Mandatory Encouraged Not Required

In enclosed / crowded areas

From 19 July 2021, there is no longer a legal requirement to wear a mask/face covering in indoor settings, however the government is expecting and recommending individuals continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, and where they come into contact with people they don’t usually meet. In particular, where the risk of transmission is likely to be greater.

British Gymnastics encourages clubs and gymnastics providers to consider as part of their COVID-19 risk assessment the wearing of masks/face coverings in enclosed and crowded spaces, and areas that are poorly ventilated.

Further Information
From 19 July 2021, there is no longer a legal requirement to wear a mask/face covering in indoor settings, however the government is expecting and recommending individuals continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, and where they come into contact with people they don’t usually meet. In particular, where the risk of transmission is likely to be greater.

Businesses and employers must complete a risk assessment, and take reasonable steps to manage risks to the health and safety of their workforce and customers in their workplace or setting, including the risks of COVID-19. Businesses can require or encourage customers, clients or their workers to wear a face covering.

As part of their COVID-19 risk assessment, British Gymnastics encourages clubs and gymnastics providers to consider the use of masks/face coverings in enclosed and crowded spaces, and areas that are poorly ventilated as well as for coach contact activities. You may want to review your risk assessments based on the layout and individual circumstances of your venue, and potentially encourage over 11s not actively participating in a session to wear a mask/face covering. For example, for anyone entering and exiting the building, a volunteer/parent helping out in a session and/or a coach on their break in an enclosed space.

When completing a risk assessment, you would need to consider the reasonable adjustments needed for staff and customers with disabilities.

All businesses should follow the principles set out in the working safely guidance.

Where businesses require their workers to wear face coverings there are some circumstances where people may not be able to wear a face covering. Businesses should be mindful and respectful of these.

If your workers (including contractors) or customers choose to wear a face covering, you should support them in using face coverings safely.

Up-to-date information regarding the wearing of face masks can be found at gov.uk.
