Effective communication

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Effective communication

Effective communication

This e learning course aims to develop your communication skills and enable you to have effective conversations.

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Course Outline
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This course aims to improve your verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills. At the end of the course you will be able to:

    Recognise the importance of effective communication.

    Identify different styles of communication and adapt your approach as needed.

    Explain the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication.

    Appreciate the importance of positive body language and tone of voice in conversation.

    Use positive reinforcement to encourage openness in others.

    Ask a range of good questions to elicit meaningful responses.

    Demonstrate active listening skills.

    Communicate a message, verbally or in writing, in a clear and engaging way.

    Delivery Method:

    e learning.




    This e learning is approximately 45 minutes

    Pre Requisites:

    minimum age 16years

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