Inclusive Coaching

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Inclusive Coaching

Inclusive Coaching

This course focuses on how you can become more inclusive, both from a coaching perspective but also as a gymnastics delivery provider. It looks at considerations to make Gymnastics sessions more accessible and inclusive, and has been developed in partnership with Activity Alliance, National Disability Sports Organisations and other partners. The aim of the course is to build our workforce confidence around coaching participants with various disabilities. The course provides information about various impairments, barriers, solutions and adaption suggestions. There are also some scenarios and videos, including downloadable documents and signposting to other learning opportunities.

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Course Outline
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What Resources Are Included:

e-learning modules which include videos.Downloadable and printable resources:

- E-learning notes

- Sample easy read documents


This course is free of charge

Who is this Aimed at:

This e-learning is aimed at British Gymnastics members (coaches and other workforce) and other British Gymnastics partner deliverers.


After successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

Explain what is meant by Learning, Sensory and Physical impairments

Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges and barriers disabled people face when accessing Gymnastics opportunities

Propose and implement solutions to address identified barriers

Utilise strategies to effectively communicate with participants that may have a range of impairments

Adapt Gymnastics sessions to create positive and engaging learning environments

Know where to find additional support and information

What To Expect:

This course includes: You will have access to 3 e-learning modules that explore 3 categories: Sensory impairments, Physical impairments and Learning disabilities/difficulties. Each module provides an approximate time for completion and if you need to take a break, the e-learning will save your progress. Once you have completed all 3 modules, you will be able to complete a quiz. You must achieve a score of 80% to be able to access your certificate of learning.

Delivery Method:

e-learning. This course is accessible to British Gymnastics members and British Gymnastics registered delivery partners. The course is available once you enrol via the Academy. The course is made up of 3 modules.

Do I Need To Bring Participants:

No, this course is e-learning only.

Do I Need To Find A Mentor:

There is no requirement for a mentor to complete this course.

Topics covered on this course:

  • Explain what is meant by Learning, Sensory and Physical impairments.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges and barriers disabled people face when accessing Gymnastics opportunities.
  • Propose and implement solutions to address identified barriers.
  • Utilise strategies to effectively communicate with participants that may have a range of impairments.
  • Adapt Gymnastics sessions to create positive and engaging learning environments.
  • Know where to find additional support and information.

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