Club Matters

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Club Matters

Club Matters

Club Matters is a Sport England Lottery funded programme providing resources that are designed to support organisations who are looking to set up, develop, grow, reach out to new communities and maximise their engagement with new and existing members, participants and volunteers with case studies, topical issues, exercises and a discussion section. If you are part of a large, small, formal, or informal group, or work to support the development of these organisations, Club Matters is here to help you.

What are the benefits of using Club Matters?

  • - Information, advice and guidance to help with all aspects of running your organisation.
  • - Equip you with the tools and guidance you need to develop, grow and improve the long-term sustainability of your organisation.
  • - Answer any questions you may have and help you respond to any issues you may face.
  • - Give you access to training and CPD opportunities to improve and develop your skills, knowledge and confidence.
  • - Keep you up to date with relevant news and developments from across the sector.
  • - Signpost you to further support from other sector experts.

We have partnered up with Club Matters to provide you webinars. These webinars are aimed at club managers, volunteers, coaches, administrators and anyone who is involved in shaping the overall experience of your club.

This interactive course is delivered online, led by a trained Club Matter tutor.

Club Matter workshops are short, free training sessions that will develop your clubs skills, improve your knowledge and ultimately help you develop your club.

Each workshop typically lasts two hours and they’re open to anyone involved with a community sports club.

Want to enrol on the course or find out more? Click HERE to visit the Club Matters website. Please note you will have to register (for free) with Club Matters to access the courses.

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Course Outline
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Who is this Aimed at:

These webinars are aimed at club managers, volunteers, coaches, administrators and anyone who is involved in shaping the overall experience of your club.

What To Expect:

These are interactive courses with scenarios and group discussions.

Delivery Method:

These are virtual, tutor-led workshops delivered by Club Matters

How to Enrol:

Follow this link to find out more and enrol on a club matters course: Club Matters Workshops

  • Financial Sustainability

It is vital that clubs implement good financial management to support their long-term sustainability. This webinar will examine the attributes of good financial management and methods of generating income for your club.

  • Introduction to Legal Structures

The way a club is legally structured can have a significant impact on club leaders, both on their club and them personally. Get it right, and a club can be run effectively and may benefit financially. Get it wrong, and there could be problems.

  • Participant Experience

Clubs need to understand their members, where they come from and how they can improve the experience that both new and existing members have. This webinar will help you understand your new and existing members and their overall experience of your club.

  • Engaging in your Community

Understanding and engaging with your community is a vital part of club sustainability. This workshop will guide you to understand who your local community are and how you can effectively engage with them to maximise the benefit for both the club and the community.

Whatever you’re looking for, Club Matters will have a webinar to help you develop your club

Currently, there are no British Gymnastics versions of this course scheduled however, the Club Matters generic sessions may be available. For further information on courses,

please visit

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