Neurodiversity Awareness

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Neurodiversity Awareness

Neurodiversity Awareness

This course will focus on:

  • What neurodiversity is and isn't, including up-to-date research and different presentations of Neurodiversity, including gender.

  • How Neurodiversity can impact executive functioning skills including planning, organising, working memory, flexible thinking, and impulse control.

  • Communication and sensory differences in those who are neurodivergent and the ways that this can present in a variety of settings.

  • The impact of neurodiversity on mental health and emotional regulation.

  • Adjustments for sessions with neurodivergent participants - considering movement, memory, instructions, sensory differences, and communication.

  • Ways of managing emotional dysregulation and teaching neurodivergent club members to regulate their emotions.

  • Exploring the positives of neurodiversity using successful role models.

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    Course Outline
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    Who is this Aimed at:

    This webinar is aimed at coaches, officers, volunteers and anyone involved within the club who has an interest in neurodiversity awareness and their own CPD within this topic.

    What To Expect:

    This workshop will help support Coaches, Club staff and welfare Officers interested in understanding how Neurodiversity impacts Children and Young people with Neurological conditions and the best practice for the them in a Gymnastics Environment. This evidence based session will also explore practical strategies to support neurodiverse children and young people to succeed, focusing upon ADHD, Autism, ASC, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia using key themes, proactive approaches and proven effective ideas in neurodiversity education.

    Delivery Method:

    Webinar workshop delivered by ADHD Foundation


    2 Hours


    £11.00 for British Gymnastics members, £42.00 for non-members

    Pre Requisites:

    16+ years of age.

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