Clubs, Schools & Leisure Centres Ethics and Welfare Introduction - British Gymnastics

Clubs, Schools & Leisure Centres Ethics and Welfare Introduction

British Gymnastics (BG) is committed to ensuring that robust ethical standards are upheld in our sport and making sure gymnastics is safe and accessible for all. The welfare of all of our members is of paramount importance; and in particular, the welfare of our members who are under the age of eighteen years. 

The BG Pathway for Reporting Serious Complaints/Concerns is a flowchart intended to clarify the pathway for complaints relating to serious breaches of the BG Standards of Conduct by members. NB: Whilst this pathway may concern matters which occur in BG registered clubs; it does not apply to complaints about BG programmes (such as National Performance Squad Activity), events, services or decisions (“acts of BG”).

BG has also developed Disciplinary and Appeals flow charts. These documents are intended to simplify the Disciplinary and Appeals process and should be used in conjunction with these procedures.

Pathway to Reporting Complaints

Disciplinary Hearing Procedures

Appeals Procedures

If you have a query with the content of this page please contact us.
